Ketamine Infusion Therapy

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Ketamine Infusion Therapy

Not everyone responds well to traditional treatments for chronic health conditions. If you suffer from chronic pain or depression and can’t find a medical treatment that works, then you may want to consider intravenous (IV) ketamine infusion.

Ketamine Infusion Q & A

What is ketamine?

Ketamine is an anesthetic that’s used to control pain by blocking sensory perception. It’s been available for use in the United States since the 1960s and is used for surgical procedures.

Recent studies have found that ketamine may be an effective treatment for chronic health conditions that don’t respond well to traditional treatments, including chronic pain, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder.

What is IV ketamine infusion?

IV ketamine infusion refers to the administration of ketamine for the treatment of chronic pain or depression. For chronic pain, the IV ketamine infusion works as an anesthetic, providing much-needed pain relief for patients who can’t get results from medication or therapy.

For depression, the IV ketamine infusion stimulates the brain to create new neural pathways, which makes cognitive behavioral therapy more effective.

Am I a good candidate for IV ketamine infusion?

The team at Advanced Pain Modalities determines if you’re a good candidate for IV ketamine infusion during a consultation. While the innovative treatment has been proven to be effective for the treatment of both chronic pain and depression, it may not be the first method of choice to help you manage your chronic health condition.

Only if you’ve failed to get relief from your symptoms with traditional medicine is IV ketamine infusion even considered. In general, IV ketamine infusion is reserved for patients with treatment-resistant depression or pain.

What can I expect during IV ketamine infusion?

The team at Advanced Pain Modalities performs your IV ketamine infusion at the office. The team places an IV line in your arm to administer the medication. Once you’re set-up, your treatment begins.

After your infusion, which may take an hour or more, the team has you remain at the office for observation, and then you’re sent home. You shouldn’t drive or operate any heavy equipment for up to 24 hours following your IV ketamine infusion, and you need to arrange a ride home.

When will I see results from IV ketamine infusion?

While results vary from person to person, you may notice an improvement in your pain or mood within a few hours after your infusion. To get the most benefits, you may need more than one infusion. The team at Advanced Pain Modalities provides your treatment plan before you get started so you know what to expect.

To learn more about IV ketamine infusion and how it may help you, call Advanced Pain Modalities or request an appointment online today.

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